Storytellers, you're going to LOVE this episode! This episode of The Storytelling Lab features Kerri Twigg, author, speaker, teacher, and expert career coach that isn't your typical "coachy coach," as she puts it. Kerri talks on how to successfully combine happiness + financial stability and why mindfulness and self-love are bigger players than you might think.
Let’s be honest: finding the right job has always been challenging.
Now that many businesses have had to close and there has been a rise in entrepreneurship and new small businesses opening (read: with typically 1-3 positions, so not a lot of job offerings), I’d argue that the competition is higher than ever before.
Or if you’re like me, you may have been a freelancer for most of your career and don’t have a great conventional job track record.
Either way, you’re going to need an edge if you’re going to find your dream job.
Or more accurately, you’re going to need a hook.
See, just like when you’re creating stories for social media or an ad campaign, people don’t resonate with data, statistics, or bullet points. They resonate with human stories.
So why would you create your resume or conduct your interview with just a long list of positions you’ve held?
That’s what everyone does. And it won’t help you.

Enter Kerri Twigg.
Kerri is a career coach and job search strategist that uses her Career Stories Method to help people find and secure their dream jobs by using… guess what? Their stories!
I had Kerri on The Storytelling Lab and this is the first time I’ve hosted someone who uses storytelling in this manner.
She helps people all over the world to use their stories to grow their careers, whether they aim for a “job-job” or owning their own business.
And if you’re not sure what kind of work, she helps with that, too.
As Kerri says,
“Our career story is the most important work to know as employees and business owners.”

I think that such a big part of what makes Kerri successful is that she isn’t just teaching people how to “hack” their resumes, but she’s helping people use their stories to understand what it is they should be doing -- what type of job is best fit for their skills and passions.
Once you fully understand that, it’s almost easy to convey it to a potential boss, or to use it to blaze the trail of your own business.
This is why I love storytelling!
It is completely woven into our DNA and the more we use its power, the more we unlock the things that will allow us to live happier, more fulfilled lives.
If you are seeking guidance on how to find your dream job, this is the episode for you!
Some of the highlights of our conversation:
Overcoming the need for instant gratification
The importance of putting in the work to achieve long-term results
How imposter syndrome and negative stories can hold you back
The 3 most important stories for career transition
Discovering your value within your skillset
Moving past the negative story you tell yourself
Using storytelling as the process to discover your career path
Trusting the process and loving yourself through it
How mindfulness and self-love integrates into career development
Exercises for uncovering your best self
Defining what happiness and success looks like for you
How to integrate happiness with financial stability
As always, I hope you enjoy the episode!
Peace and Love,
Follow Kerri on:
Or visit her website here!
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